WHAT A START FOR MEADOW!!! Meadow take a very early lead, as Mark Wardrope finds space inside the box to direct a low header into the bottom corner of the net. 1-0.
Wardrope races away in delight after netting the early opener.
Mark and Meadow will certainly hope to get a lift after this goal.
Boylan sticks to his man and tries to put the pressure on.
The freezing crowd closely watch the action, as Willie Boyd goes on the attack for Talbot.
Gareth Armstrong tries to race away but is put under pressure from two men in blue.
Tucker roars out where he wants the ball to go and Healy duty bound obliges.
The game gets put on pause, as the gusty wind blows a gazebo across the field of play.
Bryan Boylan gets tripped, as he races away up the park with the ball.
CHANCE!!! McCracken gets his head to the ball first but his header, sadly, goes wide of the post.
OH SO CLOSE!!! ‘Shankers’ sends a powerful header towards goal but…
…he can only watch in agony, as the ‘keeper gathers the ball.
Boylan gets stopped inside the box by a perfectly timed, last ditch tackle from the Meadow defender.
All roads in get blocked for Glasgow and it is not because of Cop26.
Mark and Bryan put their point across to the referee after a decision goes against them.
Craig McCracken makes sure the danger gets cleared.
TALBOT DRAW LEVEL!!! The ball somehow falls to the feet of Boylan and he smashes the ball home from inside the box. 1-1.
Boylan certainly shows his delight after pulling Talbot level.
Two very happy chappies!
Hewitt shows his frustration at a decision going against Talbot.
Bryan has to hurdle over his opponent to avoid the tackle.
WHAT-A-BLOCK!!! With the ball surely heading for the back of the net, ‘Big Neily’ slides in with a last ditch block to prevent any goal.
TALBOT TAKE THE LEAD!!! Mark Shankland goes one-on-one with the ‘keeper and calmly slots the ball past him and into the back of the net. 1-2.
‘Shankers’ and the fans celebrate taking the lead in the game.
GOOOAAALLL!!! In a blink of an eye, Talbot extend their lead. Mark crosses it and Boylan rises to head the ball home. 1-3.
Deflation for Meadow but delight for Talbot after Boylan’s goal.
He certainly loves scoring the goals!
Boylan gets stopped in his tracks.
Jamie Glasgow takes a sore one while racing down the park.
The Meadow ‘keeper pulls off a great save to stop ‘Gee’ from scoring with an awkward header but…
…the ball falls kindly at the head of Aiden Wilson who nods the ball home from very close range. 1-4.
Aiden wheels away, while the Meadow player’s cries of offside fall on deaf ears.
All eyes on the ball for both players and fans.
Healy stays calm and coolly ‘dinks’ the ball over the Meadow defence.
Well…I hope the Irvine Young Team weren’t giving you much stick Andy.
Is it football, rugby or wrestling?
WHAT-A-GOAL (even if the photographer missed it)!!! The Talbot players swamp Graham Wilson to congratulate him for scoring an absolute screamer! 1-5.
McCracken tries his luck with a looping header but fails to find the back of the net.
Stafford does his best to win the aerial battle.
Big Andy makes sure the ball gets cleared, as he punches the danger away.
Leishman is called into action late in the game, as he calmly stops the ball from looping over him into the back of the net.
Last chance of the game falls to Talbot, as Aaron Mason skips past the ‘keeper and chases after the ball where…
…he misses the ball by millimeters and slotting the ball home.
The Medda Young Team pose for the camera, as they ‘drum up’ their support for their team.