Carnoustie Panmure FC v Auchinleck Talbot FC
Saturday 17th March 2018 Kick Off 14.30
Traffic Plan
Visiting Team Bus
Approach via A92 to the first Carnoustie junction (Upper Victoria) exiting via the slip road and turning left under the overbridge. Continue to the roundabout on Barry Road, take the first exit and proceed for approx 200 yds before turning left (signposted Shanwell Cemetery and Pitskelly Park) in to Pitskelly Road. Parking for the team bus will be within the carpark on the right, adjacent to the 3G astro facility.
Visiting Supporters Buses
There will be NO PARKING for Supporters buses at Laing Park
Approach via A92 to the first Carnoustie junction (Upper Victoria) exiting via the slip road and turning left under the overbridge. Continue to the roundabout on Barry Road, take the first exit and proceed for approx 200 yds to the drop off point just before Pitskelly Road. Empty vehicles should continue 50yds before turning right in to Victoria Street, parking will be available at the D J Laing facility at the end of Victoria Street.
Following the game Buses should pick up on Barry Road, opposite Pitskelly Road
Laing Park Car Park
Space will be limited at Laing Park and supporters will be informed of the fact and advised to park elsewhere. Parking will be available in the Health Centre Car park and on Pitskelly Road, beyond the entrance to the Car Park. The Car Park will be stewarded before and after the game to aid traffic flow.

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