The Committee of Auchinleck Talbot FC regretfully announce that due to the current restrictions placed on the Club, it is our intention now to withdraw from the West of Scotland League for Season 2020-21.The fact that no fans are allowed into games, and more importantly players not being allowed to use changingand washing facilities will have severe implications for the health and well – being of both Club and players.The Club considered that the best and safest way forward was to pause the season awaiting the possibility of restrictions being eased, this sadly was not the result of the recent all clubs ballot. As a Club we have aduty of care to our playing staff thus the reason we have come to this decision. We will update our fans regards the recent sale of season tickets and our intention to return all monies receivedfrom these in the next day or so.Finally we wish to thank our fans and sponsors who have continued to support the club throughout thisdifficult time, and assure them that we will return as strong as possible whenever it is safe to do so.

Henry Dumigan


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